Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye since we established our company in January of 2013.

eftax Co. Ltd., derived from the phrase “except for tax”, set sail on its journey as an affiliate of a tax accountant office in Amagasaki city without any clear course other than to provide non-tax-related services. Since then, we expanded our services, starting with data analysis education for working professionals and data analysis for small and medium-sized companies. This broadened our horizons to now include development of AI and IoT systems as well as software development, following the trends of Big Data, AI and DX.

Our ship has been able to peacefully navigate through the waves, guided by the various talents, experiences and ideas of its diverse crew members, including multinationals, seniors, parents, student interns and those working multiple careers.

In January of 2023, we reached the shores of Indonesia and successfully established a corporation there.

Our ship, traveling neither fast nor slow, with some disembarking and others boarding along the way, continues to move forward but never alone.

After all, a company is a gathering of people and our vision is to be a public institution within society, that enables this gathering of people to demonstrate their abilities and ideas, realize what they want to do and how to think, all the while on board a ship moving in the same direction, envisioning a better future.

The course that stretches beyond the sails of this ship is uncertain, but fueled by the will to fearlessly move forward and by each new encounter along the way, we will continue our voyage with determination and ingenuity.

We appreciate your support and cooperation.

April 2023

Representative Director, eftax Co., Ltd.
Tomoaki Nakai