Published in the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s public relations magazine ‘厚生労働’

We were recently featured in a special edition of the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare’s public relations magazine, ‘厚生労働’, in an article focusing on the experiences of both Japanese employers and foreign workers in Japan.

Within a broader feature on foreign workers in various industries, including nursing care, machinery, and maintenance work, we were honored to showcase our experience in the IT sector as a case study.

Publication:Japan Medical Planning
Editing cooperation:Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Issued once a month on the 1st

At our organization, we’re committed to bridging the gap between global talent and Japanese companies through our service, Expanja Works.

Enriched by a diverse group of individuals, including foreign nationals, students, parents, retirees, and those with side endeavors, our goal is to foster an adaptable organization that thrives on this diversity.

Beyond business, we’re dedicated to fostering a community where everyone, regardless of background, can flourish without being left behind in the ever-evolving social landscape.