eftax’s Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

“Diversity” encompasses embracing differences. Collaborating with individuals of diverse backgrounds, spanning gender, age, nationality, and culture, fosters the creations of new values, particularly in business settings.
Conversely, “Inclusion” denotes the active integration of individuals or entities into a cohesive group. It signifies our organizational ethos of striving for unity, where employees acknowledge and appreciate each other.
Our goal is to cultivate an inclusive environment that celebrates the diversity of every employee, thereby propelling organizational integration and growth. This embodies the essence of Diversity and Inclusion at eftax.

Since our inception in 2013, eftax Co., Ltd. has championed the principle that people are paramount, even in our journey as an IT-focused enterprise. We actively embrace employees and business partners from diverse cultural backgrounds, transcending geographical boundaries to realize our vision.

Work Style
At eftax, we prioritize flexible work arrangements, including a flextime system and remote based work options. This empowers employees to tailor their work schedules to accomodate their lifestyle, residence, and personal commitments, whether through full-time or part-time employment.
Our hiring policy prohibits discrimination based on factors such as age, gender, and nationality, fostering an inclusive workforce rich in diverse perspectives and backgrounds.

Employees at eftax value and respect individual differences, creating an environment conducive to mutual learning and growth. Through cross-cultural exchanges and knowledge sharing, we nurture personal and professional development.
Internship Opportunities
eftax actively collaborates with organizations like JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) and participates in career expos to offer internship opportunities, facilitating career development for aspiring professionals.
JICA Networking Fair in Autumn 2024 Report
Summer 2024 JICA Cooperation Internship Program Report
Participated in the Autumn 2023 JICA Networking Fair
In our business operations, eftax is committed to promoting diversity. We view collaboration with Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) as vital to unlocking new business opportunities and revitalizing markets. Through these partnerships, eftax contributes to the economic prosperity of local communities while enhancing market competitiveness. Fostering diversity and sustainability is integral to our mission, driving positive transformations across industries.